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How to Play Parachute Games

One of the more popular games to play with school aged children are games which require the use of a parachute. A parachute is a large circular piece of fabric or vinyl which requires players to hold onto it as they try to complete certain tasks. Usually the games associated with parachutes help with listening skills and teamwork. Playing a game with the parachute allows children to get outdoors and keeps them together in the playground.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic ball
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  1. Changing the Colors

    • 1

      Have your players stand in a circle and grab a hold of the parachute so there are one or two players on each color. Pull the parachute taut.

    • 2

      Call out a color. When a colors is called out, the players who are holding that color must drop the parachute and run underneath.

    • 3

      As they emerge on the other side, the players must grab a hold of a new section with the color they were holding. Call "All Colors!" to make everyone switch colors.

    Rolling the Parachute

    • 4

      Have the players grab the parachute as they did in Section 1. Make sure the parachute is pulled taut.

    • 5

      Place a ball in the center of the parachute. Tell the players to push the parachute down and up to launch the ball as high as they can in the air and catch it.

    • 6

      Tell the players to roll the edges of the parachute up a bit, creating a slightly smaller circle. Launch the ball and catch it again. Point out that they can get the ball higher as the center area of the parachute gets smaller.

    • 7

      Keep rolling up the parachute and launching the ball to see how high the ball can be launched and still caught. When the ball falls to the ground, the game is over.


    • 8

      Split players into two teams and have them hold the parachute on opposite sides. There should be a space down the center of the parachute.

    • 9

      Place a ball in the direct center of the parachute. Have your players hold the parachute in motion so the ball doesn't move.

    • 10

      Give your players a signal. Their job is to move the parachute in such a way that the ball is launched off the parachute on the opposing team's side. Award one point for each time a team successfully gets the ball off the parachute. Play up to five points.

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