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Fun Junior High Sunday School Games

Games are a great way to impart lessons in your Sunday school classroom and test your students' knowledge. Games can break up the rhythm of the lesson and keep your students awake, and they can be icebreakers to help your students get to know each other.
  1. Diminishing Returns

    • Diminishing Returns allows you to test your kids' knowledge of what occurs in each book of the Bible. To properly play this game, the site suggests you buy a set of "Bible Stack-O" cards, but if you don't want to pay for the cards, you can come up with the clues on your own. To play, divide your class into teams. For each contestant, read him the clues to the book of the Bible. For each clue you give, take away the amount of possible points. Whenever the book is guessed, the individual is awarded however many points he earned.

    Review Questions Volleyball

    • Review Questions Volleyball allows you to review material with your students, and helps your students release their energy so they can listen to and comprehend the lesson better. Divide your room into two, and divide your students into two teams. The students than bat a balloon back and forth across the line. The team that allows the balloon to hit the ground must answer a review question. If they miss the question, the other team gets the points. A variation on this game could be to reward the team that hit the scoring point, and still make the other team answer a question.

    Review Questions Relay Race

    • Review Questions Relay Race gets the kids up and moving around and answering questions. You can use review questions, or have the kids find information from verses while they play this game. To play, divide the kids up into teams. Place an object on the other side of the room. Ask a question. The first player to run across the room, grab the object and answer the question receives a point.

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