Assemble two to four players. Ask each player to choose a mover, or character they want to be.
Assemble the game. Place one mystery card in the slot and close the blue clue-revealer door. Hand each player a detective note pad and a pencil. The youngest player goes first, then game play continues to the left. Instruct the youngest player to proceed to Step 3.
Flick the spinner. When it lands on a number, move your player that number of spaces. If you land on a secret passageway, you may move to any other secret passageway space. If you land in front of a room, proceed to Step 4.
Open the door to reveal the room̵7;s secret. Do not let anyone else see what is in the room. Mark the character or pet that you see in the room off on your detective notepad.
Allow the next player to take a turn. As game play continues, players eliminate possible answers to the mystery by marking things off on their notepads. When there is only one possibility on your notepad, proceed to Step 6.
Announce your guess for the answer to the mystery. Look behind the blue door, but don̵7;t allow anyone else to look. If your guess was right, show the door to everyone else. You have won. If your guess was wrong, close the door and continue playing. The game ends when someone makes the correct guess about what is behind the blue door.