Seashell Search
Either real seashells or cardboard cutouts work for this beach game. You'll want at least 10 shells for each person playing the game. The shells are hidden in a particular area before the kids arrive. Players have sand pails to collect as many of the seashells as they can find. The person with the most shells is the winner. You can also mark some of the shells as special prize winners for more excitement.
Balloon Volleyball
Balloons make the perfect indoor volleyball solution. A row of chairs creates the volleyball net to divide the playing area between the two teams. The kids take turns hitting the balloon back and forth over the net. If it touches the floor, the other team earns a point and gets a chance to serve the balloon volleyball.
Sand Castle Contest
The sand doesn't have to stay on the beach. Plastic kiddie pools work well to contain sand for a sand castle building contest. Large sheets of plastic under the pools help catch any sand that escapes. The participants get a set amount of time to build a sand castle. One or more judges then walks through to score each of the entries. The sand castle with the most votes wins the game.
Coconut Bowling
Two-liter soda bottles create the bowling pins and a real coconut serves as the ball for a beach-themed bowling game. A small amount of water or sand in the bottom of each soda bottle gives the pins some weight so they don't tip over as easily. Because of its shape, the coconut will roll in different directions, adding a challenge to this indoor beach game.
Hot Coconut
Using a coconut adds a beach theme to the classic Hot Potato game. The coconut is passed around the circle with beach-style music playing in the background. The kids will want to keep the coconut moving because the person holding it when the beach music stops is out of the game. The circle continues getting smaller until one person is left. Once everyone is out, the entire group can join back in for another round of Hot Coconut.