Class Mural
Hang a large piece of butcher paper on the wall and write a phrase about God's creation along the top. Throughout the lesson, or at the end, have the children add things to the mural that represent what God created. To avoid duplication, give the children directions on what to add. Additions can include words, hand-drawn pictures, or cutouts from a magazine. The mural will serve as a reminder of the many things that God has created.
Die Game
To play this game, have children take turns rolling a die. Depending on the number rolled, the child needs to name something created on the corresponding day. For example, a child rolls a five and must name a fish or fowl. This is an excellent way to reinforce the different days of the creation and the multitude of creations in existence.
Creation Scavenger Hunt
Take the children on a walk where the goal is to collect as many of God's creations as they can find. Take a plastic grocery bag or an empty shoe box to store findings. For extra fun, decorate the box before the walk. If you don't live in an area where a walk is an option, fill the box with magazine cutouts. If all else fails, go on a virtual walk and have the children describe what they are "seeing" in their minds.