Potato Sack Races
Potato sack races are just as hilarious to participate in and to watch as they were 40 years ago. Since potatoes usually come in plastic or mesh bags now, step into old pillowcases instead and hop toward the finish line.
Bonker Ball
This can be played with a few kids or a busload, a ball and a big open space. Kick the ball to each other and keep it moving--no teams, no goals, no points, just lots of running and giggling. The only rule is you can't stand still.
Freeze Tag
One person is designated as "it" and chases the other players around the yard. If "it" tags you, you can't move until another runner tags you.
Splash Potato
In this take on the classic Hot Potato, kids stand in a circle and toss a water balloon to each other. If the balloon breaks when you catch it, you're out for that round.
Animal Races
Divide into two teams of two or more kids. Race to a designated point and back, two at a time. Each pair has to run like a different animal: chickens, rabbits, elephants, cats and monkeys, for example. The first team to have their last pair reach the finish line wins.