To determine which color starts, players have a squidge-off and play one wink of each color toward the pot using the squidger. The color closest to the pot goes first, and then the turns go clockwise.
Shooting Winks
Each player has one shot each turn and receives an extra shot with each wink that lands in the pot.
Losing Turns
If any player sends one or more of her winks off the mat, she loses her next turn.
A squopped wink--a wink covered by another wink--cannot be played until the covering wink is played and removed.
Free Turns
If a player's color is completely squopped out, the opponents only have as many free turns as they have unsquopped winks. Then they must free one of the squopped winks.
Potting Out
When one color pots out (all winks are in the pot), that color scores 4 points. Second place scores 2 points, third place scores 1 point and fourth place scores no points. All plays must then be made for the pot and all squopping ceases.