Select one player to be the questioner. When you are starting out, you might want to have an adult play this role first to demonstrate how the game works. However, once the first round is over, you will find that everyone wants to ask the questions.
Arrange all the players in a large circle. If you are playing with a small number of players, you can line them up instead. The important thing is that they can all see the questioner.
Explain to the players that they cannot laugh. No matter what the questioner does, the players cannot laugh. Reassure them that they will not be poked or tickled, as contact is illegal in this game. However, anything else goes, so the giggles will be close at hand.
Have the questioner walk up to one of the players and ask "Honey, do you love me?" The questioner can ask this in as silly a way as possible, making faces, funny noises, or even doing acrobatics to try and make the player laugh.
Instruct each player to answer the question in this way, "Honey pie, I love you but I just can't smile." Each player has to get through the entire sentence without cracking a smile or allowing even one laugh. Once he or she completes the sentence, then the questioner must move on to another player and try again. The first player to cave in and crack up gives up his seat to the questioner and starts asking the questions instead. This game can last a long time if the kids get into the spirit of things, so be prepared for many rounds.