Divide the group into teams of two. Each team will have a skunk "head" and a skunk "spray." The sprayer gets the blindfold and the balled up sock. The head can give detailed directions to the sprayer about what to do, where to go and when to spray by throwing the sock in a specific direction.
Release the skunks. The goal is to hit other skunks with your spray. However, since the head can only give directions while the blindfolded sprayer does the throwing, clear communication is vital to pegging other skunks.
Have each skunk retrieve only his own socks (spray) each time they are thrown. This prevents players from hoarding "sprays" and also forces the teams to work closely together in order to retrieve the socks once they are thrown.
Time the game in increments of 5 or 10 minutes. You will be surprised at how long this seems when you are blindfolded and dependent on the directions of a five-year-old to avoid getting hit with socks. After each period, let the players switch roles or even partners if they wish. You will notice that their communication skills will improve dramatically with each round.
End the game with an "open spray" round. This is when every sprayer can spray with any unclaimed sock. It ups the energy level immediately and gives a clear advantage to teams who communicate effectively and in detail with each other in order to grab and throw socks lying around on the ground.