Things You'll Need
Played as Miniature Golf
Construct a miniature golf course for your marbles. Set up obstacles for the marble to go around out of items on hand such as toys, sticks, rocks and so forth.
Make an indentation with your finger in the dirt to make a target for the marble to go into for each green you set up.
Create 9 greens for your mini-golf course.
Take turns trying to shoot the marble into the "hole."
Move onto the next green when you get your marble into the hole.
Win the game to be the first to complete all 9 courses.
Played with a Bridgeboard
Purchase a bridgeboard in a marble's game pack or make your own out of a shoebox. Set the shoebox on its edge and cut 9 arches from the bottom of the box up about 2 inches or so from the floor and make them an equal distance apart. Give each arch a number value by writing these numbers over the arches in this order: 6, 2, 3, 1, 5, 8, 7, 9 and 4.
Take turns shooting your marbles through the arches in the bridgeboard. Your marble must go through the arches in numerical order.
Move on to the next arch (2) once you've succeeded in getting your marble through the number 1 arch. Keep going until you've completed all 9 arches.
Get an extra turn once your marble goes through a correct arch.
Win the game by being the first player to successfully go through all 9 arches (or holes).