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How to Play Heads Up Seven Up

Heads Up Seven Up is a classic children's game. Often played in elementary school classrooms, it is a great way to keep children entertained. The game is best played with a large number of children, such as an entire classroom, because this makes guessing more challenging and allows more students to participate. There are two ways to play Heads Up Seven Up, and both methods are explained.


    • 1

      Select 7 students to be "It." All other students in the class should put their heads down on their desks or cover their eyes if they are sitting on the ground.

    • 2

      Send the 7 students walking around the room. Each of the 7 people should touch a different person who has his or her head down. Once a person is touched, he or she should stick a thumb up. Once all seven people have touched someone, announce "Heads Up Seven Up!"

    • 3

      Have the students with their thumbs up try to guess which of the 7 touched them. If a student guesses correctly, he gets to trade places with the person who touched him. If the student guesses incorrectly, she must remain in her seat and the person who touched her gets to be one of the 7 "Its" again.

    • 4

      Play Heads Up Seven Up the second way. All students must put their heads down on their desks and stick up their thumbs. Quietly choose one student to be "It."

    • 5

      Instruct the student who is "It" to touch the thumb of 6 other students. If a student's thumb is tapped, he or she must go to the front of the room. When seven total students are standing at the front (including the original "It") the teacher or leader says, "Heads Up Seven Up!"

    • 6

      Allow the remaining players to raise their heads. They then try to guess which of the seven students standing at the front of the room was "It." Whoever guesses correctly gets a prize.

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