Choose two people to go head to head in Rock, Paper, Scissor. They should face each other with one palm face up.
Count to three, pounding your fist on the outstretched hand. On the count of three, choose either "rock," "paper" or "scissors" as your sign. Alternately you can hide your fist behind your back and bring it to the front with your sign choice. Or you can pump your arm in sync with your opponent and flash your sign on "three."
Make scissors by extending two fingers, the middle and the index finger. Scissors cuts paper which wins over paper but can be smashed by a rock.
Produce paper by holding your hand outstretched flat. Paper covers rock but can be cut by scissors.
Form rock by making a fist. Rock smashes scissors but can be covered by paper.
Decide the winner based on who has the dominate sign. A "draw" is when both players have chosen the same sign. In that case, the game needs to be played again until one sign dominates.
Play again and again, keeping score. The winner is the best two out of three, which is a bout. The winner of three bouts is the winner of a match.