Things You'll Need
How to Play Hot Potato
Gather players in a circle, standing or sitting cross-legged. Explain the rules and make sure everyone understands, especially if you are playing with very young children. Players need be ready for a quick toss, so it helps to be prepared.
Ask young players to name some things that are hot. Hand someone the potato, encouraging him or her to pretend that it is HOT and to catch and throw it as quickly as they can.
Call, Go! and play some music on an instrument or recording device that can be paused easily. Game players begin to toss the potato around the circle, to the player next to them.
Stop the music! At this point, whichever player is holding the potato is "out." Throwing it after the music stops does not count.
Continue starting and stopping the music until all but two are "out." Last player to NOT be holding the potato when the music stops wins.