Things You'll Need
For Older Teens
Divide the group into even teams. Give each team a Polaroid camera, a notebook and pen and a list of items to find or collect.
Assign each item a point value. Make the list random or follow a theme, such as animals or machinery.
Make it fun. Do you want the kids to bring back a mop? A pull tab? Have their pictures taken on a coin-operated horse?
Stipulate that each team member must have his or her photo taken at least once.
Declare the team with the most points after an hour the winner. Be sure to get a group photo.
Award gift certificates, novelty gifts, candy or movie passes as prizes.
For Younger Teens
Send kids in groups of four or five on bicycles.
Hide clues in plastic Easter eggs or empty film canisters stashed around the neighborhood.
Write clues that tell the kids what to do next. The messages can lead them to the next egg, or they can be pieces of a larger puzzle that fits together with all the other clues.
Surprise the kids with a pizza, CDs or passes to a movie when they find the end of the hunt.