Things You'll Need
Run to the dance floor when you hear the familiar "Bunny Hop" song. If you don't know the tune, visit the Related Site "The Bunny Hop Song" and click on "Bunny Hop" at the top of the page to hear the song.
Join the line of dancers. The person at the front is the leader and must know the dance well.
Place your hands on the hips of the person in front of you and expect the person behind you to do the same to you.
Kick your right foot out to your side at the beginning of the verse and place your heel on the ground.
Kick it out a second time a bit higher and place your heel on the ground again.
Change feet, and kick out twice with your left foot.
Put your feet together and hop forward once and then backward once with the rest of the group.
Hop forward three times with the rest of the group on the three beats at the end of the verse.
Repeat the steps until the song is over.
Try to keep the line together without anyone falling behind.
Expect the line to hop its way through the room.