Things You'll Need
Divide the kids into even teams.
Give each team a notebook, felt-tip pens or crayons, and a list of items to collect or to find and draw.
Limit the game to a room, a building, a park or a playground.
Assign each item a point value.
Make it theme-oriented or random.
Have them find just red items or things that are used by a farmer. Or have them bring an adult's shoe, a candle and a drawing of the tree farthest from the starting point.
Give alternatives for some items. For example, a picture of the house across the street may be worth 1 point, and a drawing of the car parked in front of it could be worth another point.
Stipulate that each team member must draw at least one thing.
Set a time limit.
Tally the points. The team with the most points wins.
Award prizes - candy, a pizza party, a popcorn party or whatever you like.