Things You'll Need
Play this silly game with children age three and up.
Know that you can play this game with as many players as you like, but you need at least two.
Select an open area to play in.
Choose one person to start. All other players form a line, kneeling on the ground and resting their heads on the ground, covered by their hands.
Have the chosen starting player place his or her hands on the back of the person at the back of the line. He or she must press on the person's back and leap over the person, spreading his or her legs apart and hopping like a frog. The player continues hopping until reaching the front of the line, kneeling and covering his or her head.
Understand that the game continues indefinitely as the person at the back of the line is always the next to leapfrog over the other players.
Understand that there are no winners or losers in this game. The point is to have fun and be silly.
Call out "ribbit" when you jump to get some laughs.