Purchase shaky eggs from various music stores or online music stores. Purchase plastic holiday eggs anywhere Easter items are sold. Both egg types are handy for you to use when playing play various shaky egg games.
Distribute one shaky egg per table. Instruct players to shake the eggs along with the songs. Players are to pass the eggs around the table to the rhythm of the song, take turns per song, or have a leader per table. Musicians have various ways of playing this portion of the game. Audience table members can stand in a circle with their shaky eggs or they can stand at their tables. As the song goes along the musician watches to decide which table is the winner. The game becomes crazier as the songs get faster.
Construct your own "shaky eggs" with average plastic eggs that open in two pieces. Place one item inside of different colored eggs to make them rattle. Use different colored eggs so you can recall which item is inside of which egg. Refrain from using items resembling Easter candy that may be easy to guess. Use items adults would find amusing. At the party, award eggs to individuals who either are the best shakers when they dance or play a game where participants can draw for the eggs. When players receive their eggs they must guess what is inside after shaking them. If they guess incorrectly, they cannot dance during the rest of the game and they must give the egg to someone of their choosing who hasn't guessed incorrectly already. If they guess correctly, they win a prize.