Make a Sentence
In this game, a leader assigns a sentence to the players, with each player having his own newspaper. Players have to find these words in the newspaper, cut them out and put the sentence together on the floor, table or other surface. The first to finish wins. For example, the leader could ask the players to find the words for the sentence: "Thomas was a dog born in 1920 in Montana."
Newspaper Carrier Competition
Think you have what it takes to be a newspaper carrier? This game is simple: who can throw a rolled-up newspaper the farthest. But it doesn't have to stop there. Invent targets or locations where the paper has to land. Award points each time a player hits the target. Play this in a back yard or another open location.
Newspaper Puzzle
Take a page from a newspaper and cut it into small pieces of different shapes and sizes. Now, see how long it takes for you to put the page back together. This is a game you can by yourself or with other people. The quickest to finish wins a multiplayer game.
Relay Race
This game is played in teams, with each team getting two newspaper pages. The first player places the first page on the ground, stands on it and then puts the second page on the ground in front of her. She stands on that and keeps repeating this process until she reaches a designated goal. She then runs back to the start and then the next player does this process, until everyone on the team has done it. The first team done wins.