Start of Game
If the group of people seems awkward about self-selecting the two teams, then the host should step in and group the teams based on his perception of each player's ability to make the teams even. Pairing people who don't know each other well also gives them the chance to bond. If there is an extra person, he can be the timekeeper, scorekeeper and referee.
Establishing Rules
The host or scorekeeper should go over the rules and hand gestures so everyone knows how to play. The host gives each team slips of paper and pens to write down things to act out. These can be movie titles, books, TV shows, quotes or songs.
Game Play
When acting out a phrase, the actor should indicate what category and how many words are in the phrase. He can then act out each word at a time, or act out the whole concept of the phrase. He uses hand gestures to indicate which he is doing. See Resource section for a list of hand gestures common to charades.
Good Sportsmanship
Each team should determine what order the players are going; usually the host goes first. Players should be supportive of the other team and clap when the clue is guessed. Guests should provide extra support to someone who seems shy and encourage him, especially if he is on the other team. Each team is given a predetermined amount of time to act out the clue. Either the host or timekeeper keeps track of the time. Players should follow normal rules of good sportsmanship, such as not gloating when they win, or sulking if they lose.