Hold your pencil loosely when you flick to avoid cracking your pencil on your own turn. When you pull back your pencil to flick it down on the opponent's pencil, holding either side too tightly will cause stress on one side of the pencil. Since pencils are made of wood, too much pressure or stress can cause it to crack.
Follow through your downward motion when you are flicking the pencil. Since the force and momentum of your pencil's downward motion will cause stress on the opponent's pencil, following through your flick will increase your chances of breaking his pencil and winning the game of pencil break.
Hold your pencil loosely when you are playing defense. Since you have to hold the pencil horizontally by pinching both ends of the pencil, loosening your fingers will create a recoil when your opponent flicks down with their pencil. By loosening your pencil's grip, you increase the time between the initial contact of opponent's pencil to your pencil and the follow through of the opponent's pencil.