The Chocolate Game
You'll need two dice, a plate with a bar of chocolate on it, a fork, a knife and some winter clothes like a scarf, gloves and a hat. Have participants sit in a circle around the clothes, chocolate and utensils. Everybody takes turn rolling the dice. The person who roll a double gets into the circle, dresses up in the winter clothes and begins to eat the chocolate only using the fork and knife until someone else rolls a double. They switch positions and continue until all the chocolate has been eaten.
Chocolate Jenga
Instead of building a Jenga tower with wooden blocks, substitute the wood for chocolate. Buy several bags of chocolate bars like KitKats. Build a tower with the bars where each layer is made up of at least three bars which alternate length-wise. Take turns removing a bar from the tower without it collapsing. The person who causes the tower to collapse loses.
Checkers And Chess
Use a normal checkers board and play with chocolate buttons or use Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Whenever you take one of their pieces you get to eat it. Have a few spare chocolates handy in case you need to king your opponent. If you prefer chess, you can also purchase ready made chocolate chess sets or models to make your own.
Card Games
Get rid of the plastic poker chips and replace them with chocolate coins in card games like Poker. You can use chocolate buttons and attach printouts of poker chips to them or alternatively use a M&Ms and assign each color with a different numerical value. Hoover Web Designs offers printable poker chips to place on the chocolate coins.