Things You'll Need
Gather motivating prizes. The attention span of toddlers when highly motivated is roughly 10 to 15 minutes. Tailoring the prizes to the age and interests of the children will increase their length of participation. Alternative prizes may include cupcakes, books, plants, or children's toys.
Choose a cake walk coordinator. The job of the coordinator is strictly to keep participants focused and energized. The coordinator should not be expected to also sell tickets, give out prizes, play the music, or perform other duties.
Choose upbeat children's music. Having music that matches the mood and pace that you desire will keep the children marching to the beat.
Ask parents of young children to join in. Parental involvement is key to a child's sense of well-being, and the security of having a parent nearby can keep a child at ease and on task.
Press play to begin the music. Have one person who is strictly in charge of music to help the coordinator focus on the children.
End the music. The length of each walking interval should be tailored to the ages of the children. Younger children may be unable to walk for more than one minute before becoming distracted.
Draw your winning number. The volunteer assisting with music or an additional volunteer should call out the winner quickly.
Begin your next cake walk quickly. If you plan to have the same participants, begin immediately to maintain their attention, especially if the children are young. If you need time to accept new participants, have the coordinator engage the younger children while they are waiting.