Find George
This game can be played indoors or outdoors. Hide a dollar bill somewhere -- under the couch cushions, in the crook of a tree, under a figurine or in a VCR slot. Hide play money dollar bills, as well. Give your partygoers the mission to "find George" and turn them loose. The first to find the dollar bill is the winner. For an added kick, award a small prize or gag gift to the winner, such as a George Washington bobblehead doll, a piggy bank or a wallet printed to look like a dollar bill.
Pinch George
This is a fun game to play at a mall. Divide your guests into teams and give each of them a dollar bill. Instruct them to take the dollar bill and compete to see how far they can make it go without spending more. For example, a team might buy a clearance book at the bookstore, candy, a stamp or a postcard. Each team must produce receipts, and the one that stretches the dollar the farthest at the end of an hour wins the game. This might also be used as a fun way to demonstrate frugality to children.
Zoom George
Give each player a magnifying glass and a dollar bill. Tell them that there's an owl -- some say a spider -- hidden somewhere on the dollar bill. The first to correctly identify the location is the winner. (It's in the upper right-hand corner on the front, above and to the left of the numeral one).
Lose George
This is another game that may be played at a mall. Divide your players into teams and give each a dollar bill and a cell phone camera. The object of the game is to see which of them can first persuade a stranger to do something silly for the dollar. Each team must record the stunt with the camera. Examples might be to crow like a rooster, hop on one foot or sing the national anthem backward.