Blindfolded Seashell Hunt
Fill two plastic swimming pools with play sand and medium-sized seashells. Blindfold two players and have each one kneel down in front of a swimming pool. The first player to find three seashells wins a prize. For a variation, play this game as a relay race with no blindfold. Divide the players into two teams and have them line up at a starting line 15 feet away from the pools. Give each team a beach pail. Players must race to the pool, find a seashell and bring it back to his team's beach pail. All players on each team must do the same thing. The first team to finish the race wins the game.
Coconut Bowling
Use coconuts and pineapples to create a game of Hawaiian luau bowling. Place 10 pineapples in the shape of a pyramid; four pineapples on the back row, three pineapples on the third row, two pineapples on the second row and one pineapple in the front. Mark a standing line with rope or tape 20 feet from the pineapples. Players must roll coconuts from the standing line to try to knock down the pineapples. Award a prize to any player who knocks down all the pineapples in one roll. Another variation is to give each player three rolls and the player who knocks down the most pineapples wins the game.
Luau Relay Race
Divide your guests into two teams and give each team a grass hula skirt, coconut bra and two flower leis. Mark a starting line and a run-to line 25 feet apart. When you say, "Go," the first player in each team line has to put on the full outfit. Players have to race to the run to line and back to hand off the outfit to the next player in line. Each player must do the same thing. The first team to complete the relay race wins the game.
Beach Ball Bump
Have each party guest select a partner and give each team a beach ball. Tell them to stand 6 feet apart facing each other. Players must hit the beach ball back and forth to one another without letting the ball hit the ground. If a team's ball hits the ground, they are out of the game. To make it harder, have the players take giant steps backwards after every 30 seconds.