Roll the Dice
Transform a regular game of Truth or Dare by using a die. Designate even numbers as "truths" and odd numbers as "dares." One player rolls the die and depending on the number, is given a truth or dare challenge. The person to the right of the individual who rolled the die will provide the challenge. After the player completes the challenge, the person who asked the question will roll the die.
Pick a Card
Before guests arrive, print out at least 20 "truth" cards with questions or statements such as "Describe how you looked in 5th grade." Print out at least 20 "dare" cards, as well. When you're ready to play the game, sit in a circle and place the two decks of cards in the center. Choose someone to go first and ask him, "Truth or Dare?" After he chooses, pick up the corresponding card and read his challenge.
Draw From a Hat
On a sheet of paper, write out 20 "truth" questions and 20 "dare" questions. Cut them out and place them in one hat, or in separate hats. Designate someone to go first. She will need to pick a challenge out of the hat, or choose truth or dare and pick out of the corresponding hat.
Overturning a Challenge
If a player doesn't feel comfortable completing a "dare" challenge or answering a "truth" question, he may ask the group to overturn the challenge. Based on a group vote, if the majority votes the challenge may be overturned, he may select a new challenge. However, if the group denies the request, he must complete the challenge or sit out for the rest of the game.