Three-Legged Races
Divide the four year-olds into two teams and have the players line up at a starting line. Mark a finish line about 15 feet away from the starting line. Have the players get into pairs in their team lines. Tie the first two players inside legs together on each team, loose to avoid any injuries. When you say, "Go," the pairs must race to the finish line and back. Once they get back, they must take the rope off their legs to give to the next two players in line. Have an adult help the next two players in line tie their two legs together. The first team to finish the relay race wins the game.
Sleeping Lions
Have all the children crawl on all fours like a lion outdoors. When you say, "Lions are sleeping," the children must fall to the ground motionless. Any child caught moving is out of the game. Keep playing until only one player remains and award him with a plush lion. Award all the other participants with a small prize for participation.
Ice Cream Cone Relay
Split the children into two teams and have them line up in single file lines. Give each child an ice cream sugar cone. Place a large bucket of water at the end of each line and a cup at the front of each line. When you say, "Race," the child in the back of the line must fill his cone up with water. Each child must pass the water down the team line using only his ice cream cone. The first team to fill their team cup up all the way with water wins the game.
Kitty Kitty
Have all the children sit in a large circle outside and select one player to be the kitty first. The kitty crawls around the inside of the circle. He stops in front of one player and meows. Tell the player to look really sad or happy when he meows, trying to make the player sitting in the circle laugh. If the player laughs, she is the new kitty. If the player does not laugh, the kitty has to move to another player. Award all the children a small prize for participation and award large prizes to any children who can keep a straight face throughout the game.