Popular Games
Some party games are timeless. Games like Pin the Tail on the Donkey and Simon Says are simple but fun games for children. The goal of Pin the Tail on the Donkey is to see which child can put the tail closest to the correct spot on the donkey while blindfolded. Simon Says is played simultaneously by all children at the party. In this game, children should do what the leader, usually a parent, says but only when the sentence starts with "Simon says." Children who move otherwise are out. The last remaining player is the winner.
Masked Parties
Many parties are inspired by characters in television shows or movies. You can buy items to suit your theme in a party shop. Whether you want to organize a party inspired by Shrek or Batman, you can buy costumes or masks to make this party more enjoyable. In addition, there are many movies, such as "Twilight Eclipse," that you can use as a starting point for the party. Alternately, you can stimulate children's creativity by letting them choose any costume they want.
Educational Games
Host a party where children learn something in a fun and easy way. Your theme could be Spain, where children would learn traditional costumes of Spain, or the game "NI Hao," where children learn a few words of the Chinese language. Or throw a history party, where you could introduce some historical events in a fun way.
Outdoor Games
If you have a backyard, organize a party with dozens of games. Try a sack race or other activities where children are physically active while playing. A limbo dance game can be funny to watch and compete in. Consider providing balloons, decorations and other equipment for children to play with.