Bible Trivia
Bible Trivia can be a fun and challenging way for members of your community to show how much they know about the Bible. The difficulty can be scaled up or down depending on the age group. For children you can keep the questions simple, like "What is the Golden Rule?" or "How old was Jesus when He was crucified?" For older players the questions can involve more detail and thought, like "Name all ten Commandments and the vessel in which the stone tablets they're written on were contained." Give players a small prize, such as candy, for answering correctly.
Cane Fishing
Cane Fishing is a simple game you can play with a paper grocery bag, some string and some candy canes. Fill the grocery bag up to around halfway with candy canes. Take one of the candy canes and either tie it to the string or use some cellophane tape to attach it to the long end of the cane, so that the hooked end dangles freely. Now pick someone to play, either at random or using a simple game like asking the group to guess what number you're thinking of. The player uses the stringed candy cane as a fishing pole to pull out as many candy canes as he or she can in thirty seconds.This is accomplished by using the hooked end of the player's candy cane to catch the hooked ends of the canes in the bag. For added fun, make a second fishing pole and have two players compete at the same time. Whoever manages to pull out the most candy canes is the winner.
Scripture Quote
Scripture Quote is an easy to play game that only requires a Bible and a few eager players. Find a quote at random, or pick one that's better known or was recently covered in a service if you want to make it easier, and read it out for the group. While reading, leave one or two words out of the quote and then ask if anyone knows what the missing word(s) were. The first person to fill in the blanks is awarded some candy and allowed to pick the next passage if they wish to.
The Picnic Game
To play the Picnic Game, all you need is a good memory. Start the game off with the sentence "We had a picnic and I brought..." then name something you would bring to a picnic. Move down the row and have each person repeat the list to that point, adding a new item every time. For example, the fifth person in the line would say something like "I brought apples, bananas, plates, hot dogs and forks." Continue down the bus aisle until someone fails to recite the chain in the proper order. Have the next person in line start a new list and continue on. This isn't a competitive game but can be a lot of fun. To make it a little easier, you can make the rule that each new entry must follow along the alphabet, "I brought apples, bananas, cartwheels and ducks." Try to get all the way to the end of the alphabet.