Gross Food Guessing Game
Fill plastic bags with items such as peeled grapes (eyeballs), mashed bananas (mashed brain), large stick pretzels soaked in water (wet bones), dried orange peels (skin) and cooked spaghetti noodles (intestines). Place the bags of food inside paper sacks and write the appropriate words, such as "eyeballs" and "skin," on the outside of the sacks. Teens must reach into the paper sacks and feel the food items. They should write on a sheet of paper what food item they think is in each bag. The teen who guesses the most items correctly wins a prize.
Halloween Words
Give the teens a Halloween word, such as "trick-or-treat," "scarecrow" or "haunted house." Each teen takes a sheet of paper and writes down new words using only the letters in the given Halloween word. The teens have five minutes to come up with as many words as they can. The player with the most correct words after five minutes wins the game.
Pass the Miniature Pumpkin
Divide the teens into two teams and have them stand in a single-file line. Hand the first teen in each line a miniature pumpkin. When you say, "Go," the teens must pass the pumpkin down their team line using only their neck and chin. If a player drops the pumpkin, it has to go back to the front of the line and players must start over. The first team to pass the pumpkin all the way down their team line wins the game.
Eat the Worms
Have the teens sit or stand around a table, and put a paper plate in front of each person. Place five gummy worms on each plate and cover the worms with whipped cream. When you say, "Eat the worms," the teens must find the worms and eat them using only their mouths. They must put their hands behind their backs while finding and eating the worms. The first teen to eat all five worms and show an empty mouth wins the game.