Candlelight Bowling
Set up 10 candles on a table in the formation of ordinary tenpin bowling pins--four in a line at the back, then three, then two, and one at the front. Divide players into two teams and, standing two feet from the table, players from each team take turns to see how many they can blow out. The player has two blows, scoring one point per candle, or two points for a "strike" if they blow them all out. Candles are re-lit for the next player. The team with most points at the end wins.
The Floor Game
Have guests write their names on three pieces of paper. Put them into a box or bag and mix them up. Place three or four pre-wrapped gifts on the floor and draw the equivalent number of names out of the box. Those players pick up a gift from the floor. Take more names from the box. The people with the newly picked names take a gift from the people holding them. This continues until no names remain in the box. The people left holding the gifts win them.
Purse ABCs
Shout out a letter and the first person to get something from their purse, or handbag, that represents that letter and shows it to you wins a candy. Players must wait until the end of the game before eating the candies they win. The person who ends up with the most candies wins the game.
The Icebreaker Game
The Icebreaker Game is great for the start of the party, or for a time when you feel things need livening up a little. Hand around a bowl of balloons. When you give the word, the players blow their balloons up, tie them and burst them by sitting on them. If they rush and tie the balloons too soon, they are harder to burst, especially if they are sitting on soft chairs. The first to succeed wins.
What's On the Tray?
Place about 15 small items on a tray or in a basket, and pass it around. Don't tell the guests what the game is, just take the tray from the room when they have all passed it on. Then give the guests some paper and a pencil and tell them to write down as many items as they can remember from the tray. The player who remembers the most wins.