Pin the Star on the Wand
Draw a picture of a fairy wand on a large poster board and draw a dotted line where the star should go. Tell the girls that a fairy lost the star on her wand and needs their help to get it back. Print and cut out several stars, then write each girl's name on a star. Place double-sided tape on the back of each star. Blindfold one girl at a time and spin her three times. Tell her to try to place the star as close to the correct spot as possible. The player who pins the star closest to the correct spot wins the game and a prize.
Fairy Hunt
Hide small plastic fairies around the play area before the kids arrive. Give each player a fairy favor bag and tell her there are lost fairies all over the play area. The player who finds the most fairies wins the game. Each girl can take home the bag of fairies she found as party favors.
Fluttering Fairies
Cut out several flowers from construction paper and scatter them all over the floor; use one less flower than there are players. Tell the kids that when the music is playing loudly, they must zip energetically around the flowers like spritely fairies, but when the music is playing softly, they must flutter like dainty fairies around them. When the music stops, the "fairies" must find a flower to rest on. The player who does not find a flower to stand on is out of the game. Remove one flower in each successive round until there is only one player left standing on a flower.
Fairy Pass
Have all the players sit in a circle and hand one player a medium-sized plush fairy doll. Play music and have the children pass the fairy around the circle. When the music stops, the player holding the plush toy is out of the game. Keep playing until only one player remains in the game, who is the winner.