60 Minute Makeover Trivia
Die-hard 60 Minute Makeover fans might enjoy a few rounds of 60 Minute Makeover Trivia. Watch your favorite episodes and compile a list of questions regarding designers, homeowners, hosts and specific episodes. Prepare a quiz for all of your fellow 60 Minute Makeover buddies and see who can remember the most minute details of the program. Once your guests are done filling out their quizzes, you can tally who has the most correct answers and award a prize to the biggest fan. Follow up your game with a few of your favorite episodes.
Accent Pieces
One of the most popular ways for the designers on 60 Minute Makeover to liven up a room is to add a homemade artwork. Designers will create canvases out of house paint or stencils that are not meant for reflection, but instead are intended to match the furniture and make the walls look more interesting. These accent pieces are often abstract and quickly thrown together. Gather all sorts of art supplies for your players and give each guest a 8"x11" piece of cardboard to turn into an accent piece. Everyone has 60 minutes to use the art supplies to turn their cardboard pieces into masterpieces. When time is up, guests can vote on who made the best or funniest accent piece.
Drinking Games
If you love 60 Minute Makeover but aren't so interested in actually doing any sort of craft yourself, turn the program into a drinking game. Get together with all of your home decorating and makeover buddies, mix up some margaritas or get a case of beer, pop a few episodes of 60 Minute Makeover into your DVD player and set some fun drinking rules. For example, everyone takes a sip every time someone on the show gasps or everyone needs to finish their drink every time someone on the show cries. This game can get very silly very fast, so make sure that none of your guests is driving later in the evening.