Things You'll Need
Saw the plywood to the desired size of your game board with a handsaw. Alternatively, ask the hardware store to cut the plywood to the desired size at the time of purchase.
Paint the plywood board with a solid color of paint. Let the paint dry. Add a second coat of paint to the board. Let the second coat of paint dry completely.
Draw the desired number of circles onto the painted plywood board with a pencil by tracing around a coffee can lid.
Drill a hole through the center of each circle with a doorknob-hole drill bit. Use a metal file to make the holes larger when necessary.
Sand all rough edges smooth around the holes and along the sides of the Baggo board with a piece of course sandpaper.
Paint point numbers above or below each hole in a size that is easy to read from a distance. Let the paint dry. Glue or paint themed pictures, club emblems, or designs onto the painted Baggo board to make the game look festive.
Fill a number of small Ziploc baggies with a large handful of beans, tiny pebbles, or rice. Remove the air from the Ziploc bags with your hands while closing the top of the bags.
Fold the beanbag baggies into small square shapes. Wrap each beanbag square tightly with two layers of colorful duct tape.
Lean the Baggo board against a table or tree. Throw the beanbags at your new Baggo board to make sure that they go through the holes. Enlarge the holes with a metal file when necessary.