Aish HaTorah Institute
Speed dating began in the 1990s when a Rabbi with the Aish HaTorah Institute in Los Angeles developed the idea of allowing people to meet for quick snippets and then, if two people expressed interested in following up, encouraging them to continue exploring the relationship. While other organizations and companies have expanded on that idea, Aish HaTorah still owns the trademark SpeedDating and Aish HaTorah branches throughout North America sponsor speed dating events for Jewish singles in their localities. In South Florida, the Miami branch of Aish HaTorah sponsors speed-dating events which allows Jewish singles to meet.
Aish Hatorah of South Florida (Miami)
4010 N. 46th Avenue
Hollywood, FL 33021
Date and Dash
Date and Dash organizes speed dating events at various locations in the South Florida area. The events take place several times monthly in some of Miami's and West Palm Beach's most stylish lounges. Individuals register for Date and Dash and they then receive the information about upcoming events. At the event, participants meet all members of the opposite sex present in three to eight minute meetings. At the end of the evening, participants go to the website and enter their choices into the Dash and Date's automated matching system. A match occurs if two people noted "yes" to each other.
Date and Dash
433 W. Harrison St.
P.O. Box 5058 Chicago, IL 60680-5058
Pre-Dating speed-dating operates nationwide, organizing speed-dating parties and events at bars, pubs and lounges throughout the country. South Florida residents can register for Pre-Dating events by monitoring the Pre-Dating website to see when a Pre-Dating event has been scheduled in the South Florida area for the age group of interest. Interested individuals register for the event, pay the fee and go to the event location at the proper time. Pre-Dating introduces participants to approximately a dozen potential dates at each speed-dating party.
Pre-Dating Speed Dating,
8255 W. Sunrise Blvd, 111
Plantation, FL 33322