Pin the Star on the Fairy Wand Game
Pin the star on the fairy wand is a party game where players place stars on a wand. Much like pin the tail on the donkey, each fairy player is given a numbered star to place on the fairy wand poster. A parent blindfolds a child and spins her around three times. Upon the third spin, the parent positions the player in the direction of the fairy wand poster. The player must then feel around for the poster and sticks the star as close to the top of the wand as possible. The player who places the star closest to the top of the wand wins.
Fairy Dress Up Race Game
Fairy dress up races require two lines and two piles of fairy clothes. A parent will create two separate lines of players and lay two separate piles of fairy clothes 10 feet away from each line. Once the game has been set up, the host will yell "Go." The first players of each line will race to the pile of clothes and dress up as fast as possible. Once the players have dressed, they will run back to their line and tap the next person. The next player will run to the pile of clothes, change and run back to the following player. The line that dresses up the fastest wins.
Fairy Freeze Game
The fairy freeze party game includes music and balance. The players form a line with enough space to move and dance. A parent will play classical music and allow the players to dance, frolic and pose within their space. Once the music stops, the players must freeze in the position that they are in. Any players who resume movement after the music has stopped must be taken out of the game. The music is turned back on, then stopped again. Several players will be removed each time until the last player left frozen wins.
Fairy Phone Game
Fairy phone game allows players to use their imagination and social skills. Players must form a circle and sit down. The birthday girl will whisper a silly message about fairies to the player sitting on the left. That player will then slightly change the message and whisper it to the next player on her left. The message will go around the circle, each time changing slightly. After the player on the right of the birthday girl shares the final message with her, the birthday girl will then share the message out loud to everyone in the circle.