Cookie Decorating Contest
Buy some plain sugar cookies and materials to decorate them, such as colored frosting, sprinkles and candies. Allow everyone five minutes to prepare their cookie. After five minutes have passed, everyone can vote on the best decorated cookie. If there is a tie, take cookies with highest votes and do another vote. At the end, everyone can eat their cookie as a treat.
Guess What Game
Put different objects in a plastic bag, paper bag or trash bag. Have each person touch the object through the bag and guess what is inside. The person who guesses what is in the bag or gets closest wins the game.
Board Games
Board games replace action with mental exercise. Military strategy games like Risk can replace an action packed game of Airsoft. Strategy games like chess or Clue are good for people who want a longer, more intriguing game. Some board games emphasize communication skills or creativity.
Multi-player Video Games
Multi-player video games are accessible for people of all physical capacities. While someone with a handicap might not be able to play baseball, he could play a baseball video game instead. Party games are also available for video game consoles.