Silencing Cell Phones
Play a quiz game with your kids, making up questions about when and where to silence cell phones. Some of the questions can be about whether to keep a cell phone on at the movies, in church, at a friend's house, or in class. You can use flash cards and award points to make it more interesting.
Appropriate Disclosure of Information
Invite your kids to practice answering the phone while you call from another line. The goal is to learn what kind of information is appropriate to disclose to a caller. You can pretend to be a solicitor, a friend, or relative, an employer, or a public official. Give your kids practice at being both polite and firm with callers requesting information about people in the household.
Taking Messages
Call your kids from another line to help them practice taking messages. You can mix it up by creating characters and using silly voices, with the point being to help them learn to listen carefully and write down important details. The message can lead to a reward, such as instructions for finding a prize.