Specific Categories
Create your own trivia or download forms from an online trivia site for guests to do independently. Make it a live trivia game where a host asks the questions and the rest of the guests get to guess. Or put it on paper and tally up the correct answers to determine a winner.
Trivial Pursuit
The classic trivia game is a must for get-togethers. There are numerous versions with specific themes such as popular shows, books, brands and sports. Play the general trivia version for a large group with mixed interests. However, if you host a themed party, find a coordinating Trivial Pursuit game such as a "Twilight" version for a vampire-themed party.
Scene It
If you have movie lovers at the party, play this game. Scene It is all about movies, actors and random movie puzzles. You can split up into teams and see who really knows their movie facts. You&'ll need a television and DVD player.