Song Facts
Pick a number of current hit songs recorded onto a CD, MP3 player or computer. Pass out pens and paper to each girl. Play songs one by one and ask each girl to write down the name of the song and the artist who sings it. They can earn up to two points per song if they know both of the answers. Once all of the songs are played, have the girls add up their points and whoever has the most wins.
Fashion Show
Split the girls up into pairs or groups of three and have them do makeovers on each other. Supply them with dress clothes, gowns, makeup and hair accessories and let them fix each other's hair, do one another's makeup and pick outfits out for the other girls in their group to wear. Once everyone is finished, gather them back together and have them put on a fashion show as they prance up and down the 'catwalk.' Older girls love this game and delight in seeing each other all made up and not looking like they normally do.
Older girls love to scrapbook, which has made this a popular activity for birthday parties and get-togethers. Have girls bring their own photos that they would like to scrapbook, along with a pair of scissors and a glue stick. You pick up the rest of the supplies by going to the dollar store and purchasing paper, markers, stickers and anything else that you think the girls may enjoy including on their pages. Cover your work area with a tablecloth or butcher paper to avoid any mishaps such as markers, stickers or glue from getting on your table. Finally, let the girls go crazy and do whatever they want to their scrapbook pages. Older girls have so much fun doing this while letting their imaginations and creativity flow.