Scary Game
"Body Part" is a scary game ideal for younger girls. To play the game, various food items will need to be prepped ahead of time and put into paper bags. A parent or chaperon of the sleepover tells a story about a witch whose body slowly falls apart. This story should be told in the dark or a very dimly lit room with the girls closing their eyes. As each body part is described, pass around a bag or bowl with the related food item. Use peeled grapes for eyeballs, canned apricot for the tongue, peeled tomato for the heart or anything else that seems to work. Have the girls guess which food item was used for each body part.
For older girls, play "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board." Girls sit in a circle with one girl laying in the middle. Another girl is chosen to create a story about the prone girl&'s life and how she left it. After the story, all girls in the circle place their hands underneath the girl in the middle and chant "light as a feather, stiff as a board" and gradually lift the girl off the floor with the idea that spirits are causing her to float.
Daring Game
For younger girls, the daring sleepover game “Do-it Dice” requires two medium-sized cardboard boxes, white paint and markers. First tape up the cardboard boxes and paint them white. Use the markers to write a command or stunt on each side of each box, such as “hop on one foot” or “recite the alphabet backwards." Girls then take turns rolling the dice. The roller has to perform both tasks from the dice at the same time.
For older girls, “Truth or Dare” proves popular. One girl is chosen to begin the game by posing the question “truth or dare?” to another girl. The girl asked must answer with either “truth” or “dare.” If she chooses dare, the first girl who must choose a task to be completed by the second girl. If she chooses truth, a question is posed by the first girl and must be answered completely honestly by the second girl. The girl who completes the task or answers the question then gets to choose who will go next by posing the “truth or dare” question to another girl.
Beauty Game
Try “No-Mirror Makeover” or “Left-handed Makeover” for two different party games to get them laughing. Both require make-up which can be provided by the host of the sleepover or brought by guests. For the no-mirror version, girls apply their makeup in five minutes without the aid of the mirror. The girl with the best or the worst makeup wins. For the left-handed version, girls are partnered up and must apply each other’s makeup left-handed (or right-handed if they are left-handed). Again, the girl with the best or the worst makeup wins.