Pandemic is a game that plays up the West Nile Virus and Swine Flu scare as its theme. Players role play as Center for Disease Control specialists as diseases begin to disseminate globally. Together, the team must work together to stop the diseases from becoming a pandemic. Each specialist has a strength that the team can use to their advantage, and players draw cards from a deck that they can use to cure infections. For example, if a player is at a "research station" in an infected city and draws five cards of the same color, a disease is cured. However, the deck also contains epidemics that can alter the course of game play by spreading new diseases.
Say Anything
Say Anything is a party game that gets people talking. A player asks a controversial question from a card, and everyone writes down his answer. The person who asked the question chooses a favorite response, while everyone else is betting on which answer she will pick. Questions that are asked include, “What website would be hardest to live without?” and, “What&'s the best activity for a first date?” so they are sure to appeal to a college-aged audience.
Settlers of Catan
Arguably one of the nerdier games on the list, Settlers of Catan is a strategy game based in the concept of building your presence as a settler on an island you create on the board. You can build cities and buildings using resources that you collect as you roll the dice. Players must use strategies to block their competition&'s expansion to become the largest settlement on the board and win.
Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization
Through the Ages is a strategy game wherein the object is to build a civilization. Unlike other similar games like Risk, the point is not to destroy another player&'s civilization. Players focus on different entities of culture, including science, religion, literature and drama. Players erect buildings or commit actions like wage war. These actions are done through playing cards which list "culture points." These points are tallied. The player with the civilization that has the most culture wins.
Time&'s Up!: Title Recall
Time&'s Up!: Title Recall is a trivia game where players guess the names of songs, movies and other pop culture entities. Teammates attempt to help out their team with guessing the titles by offering different types of clues depending on the round of play.