Beach Treasure Hunt
If you have access to and live near the beach, have a beach treasure hunt. Bury your booty somewhere out of the way of beach-goers that you can easily remember. Load up a cooler with beer, beads and novelty toys. Wrap some metal wire around the handle. This will trigger your treasure seeker̵7;s metal detector. Bury the treasure in the sand. Do not bury the treasure too deep; you do not want to get in trouble with beach authorities. Give treasure seekers a map or a set of clues. Give them a metal detector to use so they can find the treasure more quickly.
Backyard Treasure Hunt
Have a treasure hunt in your backyard. A backyard treasure hunt is ideal for giving more complex clues and more difficult to find hiding spots. Hide three treasure boxes in your yard but only fill one with booty. Inside the two other treasure boxes, include a map to the next treasure box. Having three treasures to find will extend the play time and clue solving at the party.
Survivor Style
Divide your group into two competing teams. Assign your treasure-seeking teams two wacky names. or let them come up their own team name. Hand out colored handkerchiefs as team identifiers. Design some physical and mental challenges for teams to earn clues to a hidden treasure. Divide the important clues into three or four sections. Design the clues so that they work together to reveal the location of the treasure. Let team that wins the most clues unearth the treasure. Encourage everyone to share the booty.
Video Clues
Use clips from popular pirate movies to present clues for your games. Keep the clips short and focused so guests will understand the meaning. For example, a clip about walking the plank could be a clue to guests that they should look for treasure by some lumber in your yard. Choose three or four clips and show them one at a time. Encourage the team to write down their ideas. Video clues are fun to use and give your party a true pirate theme.