All About Me
Give each of the people at the party five to eight small pieces of candy in a bowl that is being offered for sale through your Pampered Chef catalog. Ask each of the guests to count how many pieces of candy she has in her bowl. Place all of the guests in a circle and ask them to tell as many things about themselves as pieces of candy in their bowls. This game works well if you have assembled a group of people who are not well acquainted. If the party is full of old friends and close family members, ask each person to offer up information about herself that no one else in the room is aware of.
Cooking Game
Pampered Chef Parties are centered on cooking and baking, so a game that revolves around a meal would not only keep the guests interested, but it can also be a chance for you to showcase the products you are attempting to sell. Give all of the women the necessary tools to make a quick meal, such as an omelet. Give each woman or team eggs and any other ingredients you wish, then allot 15 minutes for them to come up with an inventive omelet. The winner will receive a piece of cookware or a discount on her next Pampered Chef purchase.
How Much?
This game will give all the women a chance to participate in an activity, and it can also be a showcase for your Pampered Chef wares. Place a few of the items in a line on a table. Write the prices of the products on index cards and place each card face down directly in front of its corresponding product. Ask the women to guess which item is the most expensive or the price of each product. You can also place a piece of a competitor's cookware next to a Pampered Chef piece and ask the women which is more expensive. The winners of each question-and-answer round will win a prize.