Can You Find the Baby's...
This is perhaps the most common baby shower ultrasound game. Most ultrasounds are near impossible for anyone but a specialist to decipher. Take advantage of this fact by having groups of guests at the shower work together to identify various parts of the baby's body, from the nose to the toes and everything in between. Compare the group's guesses and then, for the correct answers turn to the expert: the expectant mom.
Decorate the Baby
Blow up the ultrasound pictures until they are the size of an ordinary piece of paper and give one out to each guest. Guests must then use markers to decorate the ultrasound picture so that it looks different. Some guests may want to outline the picture that they see in the ultrasound (e.g., all of the white areas on the ultrasound may resemble a rabbit in somebody's eyes), whereas others may want to use the markers to add details (e.g., giving the baby angel's wings and a halo). Everyone can then vote on the best pictures using different criteria: the funniest one, the one that best resembles the original ultrasound and the sappiest one.
Ultrasound Puzzle
Blow up several ultrasound pictures and cut each picture into puzzle pieces. Keep each set of puzzle pieces together in its own baggie. The guests should split themselves into several groups (the same number of groups as there are baggies of puzzle pieces), with each group taking one baggie. Groups then race to put the ultrasound picture together as quickly as possible. The first successful group wins.