Bible Jeopardy
Anyone who is familiar with the game of Jeopardy will be able to put together a simple game of Bible Jeopardy. Simply create a board of "answers" and categories, each of which pertains to the Bible. Then have children compete to win. Don't forget to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Bible Bingo
In this variation on the classic game, kids are given boards with the names of Bible books replacing the traditional letters. As the emcee calls out books, the kids use a marker to work their way towards BINGO.
Survivor: Plagues
Similar to the puzzle challenges on the hit TV show "Survivor," this game separates the children into two teams. They must then race to individual tables, each of which have been set up with 10 cards. The cards each have one of the 10 biblical plagues written on them. It is up to the team to put them in the correct order. First team to do it right wins a reward.
10 Commandments Game
This is a good game to settle children down and have them reflect on the teachings of the Bible. Put a list of the 10 commandments on the wall and have the children take turns talking about a single commandment and why it is important to them. Encourage them to give examples where they might have broken a commandment, with the understanding that no one is infallible.
Bible Gossip
In this fun rendition of the old "telephone" game, a child reads a Bible verse quietly to the kid sitting beside him. That child then whispers what he remembers of the verse to the kid next to him and so on until the verse reaches the final child. This child then says aloud the verse, usually to the great amusement of all involved. While entertaining, it also makes a great step toward learning Bible verses.