Things You'll Need
Choose one person to be the "caller" for the Mad Libs round. The caller will need to request the desired part of speech, write the provided word in the correct space and read the entire Mad Lib story to the group once he fills in all of the blanks on the page.
Equip the caller with a blank Mad Libs sheet and a pencil. The sheet will feature a story, poem or song with several words left blank. There will be a specific part of speech such as "noun," "verb," "past-tense verb," "adjective" or "adverb" written in small letters beneath each blank space.
Instruct the caller to request suggestions for a word to fill in the first blank by telling the players the required part of speech. If she says, "verb," for example, the players can call out suggestions such as "walk," "run," "dance" or "eat." The caller must choose one word and write it in the blank.
Repeat the calling and writing process until the caller has filled in all of the blanks.
Read the completed Mad Libs story aloud.