Things You'll Need
Play the pool version of dodge ball. Play an elimination game to determine who begins and the first person out of the game will take over the ball throwing.
Play Water Tag. This is a similar game in which the person throwing the ball has to hit someone and yell out "You're it!" The hit is not valid if the person has not yelled out. The player who gets hit takes over and attempts to make another person "it."
Play Ball scramble. This is a game in which you use many pool balls. Write a numerical value on each one and throw them into the pool. Divide your players into two teams. Whichever team picks up the number of balls with the highest total value wins the game.
Play Floating Pool Target. Put a life saver inflatable ring in the middle of the group and have them throw balls into the middle. The group with the most number of dunks wins. To spice up the game, you have one person move the ring around making it difficult to aim.