Be it "Guitar Hero," bowling, tennis, ping pong, cow racing or boxing, the Wii gaming system offers many teen-friendly interactive and multiplayer games that will kick your teen party into high gear. Break party guests into teams and use multiple controllers to keep guests involved. Teams with the highest point scores can win a video or game rental gift card.
Paintball is an active game many teens love and can be played at an arena or on your own land if you have enough equipment. Let guests know to wear multiple layers of old clothing and meet at a paintball arena to rent safety gear and paintball equipment. Players than break into teams and try to "take out" the other teams players while taking cover and formulating attack plans. Active and tons of fun, teams can bond over their common enemy and exhaust themselves before heading out for pizza and cake.
Murder Mystery
Murder mystery companies and boxed game makers have created special murder mysteries with the teenager in mind. These are less intense than adult murder mysteries and with popular themes. Contact a murder mystery group to organize and run the game for you, or pick up a kit and do it yourself. Let guests know to dress in costumes and plan your snacks to reflect the theme of the game.
Karaoke Talent Show
Hold your own "America's Got Talent" show by using a karaoke machine and your guests' own talent, or lack thereof. Select a panel of three judges, and have other guests compete for points for talent and entertainment value. Shy guests can pair up to do a duet, or open the game up to other talents besides singing to include hula hooping, juggling, dancing or joke telling. Whatever the guests decide to do, party goers will laugh and bond over the talent show. The guest with the highest points score wins a CD or iTunes gift card.
Sticker Swipe
Get a set of 10 matching stickers for every person attending the party. Each person's sticker should be different. At the beginning of the party, give each teen an index card, and attach their 10 stickers to their backs. The game is that each teen must sneak a sticker off of each guest's back until they have one from each person on their index card. The first teen to get all the stickers wins a prize.