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Kid Games to Play at Parties

It is important to keep kids occupied and entertained at parties so they do not get bored. There are many games to play that are fun and enjoyable for kids of all ages. These games can be played in large or small groups.
  1. Duck, Duck, Goose

    • Duck, Duck, Goose is a classic game that children of all ages will enjoy. Also, it does not require any preparation. All you need is a large enough area for the kids to run. Have the kids form a circle facing inward. Chose someone to be "it." The "it" person then walks around the circle, pats each player on the head and says "duck" or "goose." Whoever is "goose" gets up and chases the "it" person around the circle. The object of the game is for the "goose" to tag the "it" person before he is able to sit down in the empty space left by the "goose." If the "goose" does not tag the "it" person, then they become "it" for the next round. If the "goose" does tag the "it" person, then "it" has to sit in the middle of the circle called the "mush pot." The person in the center cannot get out until someone else takes his place. The "goose" still becomes "it" for the next round.

    Musical Chairs

    • Musical chairs is a very entertaining game to play at a kid's party. You need a CD or MP3 players, space and one chair less than the amount of kids that will play. Arrange the chairs in a circle, facing out. As the music plays, the players are to walk around the circle. Once the music stops, they sit down on the chair closest to them. One person will be without a chair and is out of the game. Remove a chair and repeat. Whoever is left at the end wins the game.

    Simon Says

    • Simon Says is a game about following directions. It is very enjoyable for kids of all ages. You do not need any supplies to play this game. First, have all players line up. Chose someone to be "Simon." Simon stands in front, facing the group. Simon orders the players to do something which must be obeyed only when the order begins with "Simon says." If the order does not begin with "Simon says," the players do not have to obey. If a player or players follow an order that does not begin with the phrase "Simon says," they are out of the game.

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